
Posters  | Oral presentations

The official language of the Symposium is English and the deadline for abstract submission is April 18, 2024 (5 PM CET).

The format and guidelines for the abstracts for both oral and poster presentations is the following:

  1. Abstracts are to be submitted in English
  2. The abstract should not exceed 300 words
  3. The Abstract title should clearly define the work discussed (max 18 words)
  4. Keywords: maximum 6
  5. Abbreviations must be spelled out in full at their first use
  6. Do not use abbreviations in the title
  7. Authors need to select the preferred means of presentation: Oral, Poster, or Either.
  8. Participants can submit more than one abstract, for example for a presentation and a poster
  9. The name of the presenting author is the underlined author in the abstract (and is responsible for the abstract).
  10. Please be sure to have all information needed at hand and check all details carefully before submitting the abstract.
  11. Submitted abstracts will not be reviewed for typos, capitalization, or punctuation errors, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted. Linguistic accuracy is your responsibility. No proof reading will be done.


Only speakers (oral presentation) or presenting authors (poster presentation) which have completed the registration process and have paid the registration fee at the deadline of the Abstract submission, will be considered by the selection committee.

The deadline for submitting your abstract has passed. Unfortunately you can no longer submit your abstract.