Early Career Market

Shop for information on our Early career market

The objective of this market is to give early-career scientist the chance to talk with representatives from industry and academia and get insight into career opportunities. You are invited for a speed dating-like chat with the table hosts on what it is like to work in their organisations and what it takes.

An overview of the participating organisations and their representatives can be found below. The location of the event is Downing Street.



Universities Representative Department(s)
Graz University of Technology, University of Potsdam Gabriele Berg Institute of Environmental Biology/Deparment of Microbiome Technology (ATB), Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) & University of Potsdam
King Abdullah University of Sciences and Technology Heribert Hirt Center for Desert Agriculture
Nanjing Agricultural University Zhong Wei College of Resources and Environmental Science
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sandra Jämtgård Department of Forest Ecology and Management
University of Zurich Marcel van der Heijden Department of Plant and Microbial Biology (IPMB)
University of Liverpool Sharon Zytynska Department of Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour
Wageningen University and Research Marnix Medema Bioinformatics



Company Name Representative
BASF Roland Willmann
Control in Food & Flowers Carina Eisfeld
DCM nv & Scientia Terrae Jornt Spit
Enza Zaden Bora Kim
Mathieu Pel
Incotec Europe B.V. Carola Peters
Koppert Cress B.V. Eric van der Graaff
Microgeo Caio Suppia
Ana Carolina Pissocaro
Rijk Zwaan B.V. Feyisara Oni
Javier Carrillo Reche